Rockridge Work Crew
While volunteering on Work Crew, you’ll meet people from all over the country, and even from around the world. At the end of you session, many of these people will be considered your lifelong friends. You’ll have a chance to try new things and to spend time at one of the most beautiful places on God’s earth. You’ll also be challenged to take your faith to a new level and learn how to serve like Jesus did thousands of years ago.
Yes, it will be hard work, but there’s a big payoff — changed lives — yours, your new friends and the teens you bless.
To be eligible for Work Crew, you must turn 16 in the calendar year you serve and complete your local area’s work crew training.
We consistently notice that teens who have served on work crew have returned home with a renewed vision that being a disciple of Christ means that you orient your life to other people and not just to yourself. They are more excited about sharing their faith with their friends and have learned fruitful ways to do so at camp. More more information, click HERE.