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RCS Guatemala Missions

2020 RCS Missions Trip – Trip Status

To the Parents/Guardians of Guatemala Team Members: Do you find yourself appreciating others more than ever during this extraordinary time of pandemic? This is an acute time of learning what is to live sacrificially, as Jesus did. We ask, “What does it mean to love...

2020 RCS Missions Trip – Team Meetings

The Guatemala Team has just had their third monthly team meeting and are excited to welcome a few new members to the team as well! In our team meetings, we are currently: devotions and prayer learning some Spanish phrases learning Spanish songs team building cultural...

Guatemala 2020 Team Members

The Guatemala 2020 Team has been selected and we are very excited to be preparing to serve God in being obedient to his call. The Guatemala Missions Team is actively preparing for our Missions trip in the summer. We will be meeting together every month, as well as...

2018 RCS Missions Trip – Antigua

Volcan Agua (The "Water Volcano") and the city of Antigua Guatemala (“Old Guatemala”)      Convento de las Capuchinas Catedral de Santiago Apostol y San Jose Catedral ruins Catedral at Night

2018 RCS Missions Trip – VBS Day One

Sanmi: What continues to amaze me is the love for God the Evangelical Guatemalans have. When they share their testimony or even just chat with us, they always say God bless you. But this isn’t the typical half-hearted “God bless you” North Americans may say. The...

2018 RCS Missions Trip – Work Day

IMG_2015-xqvjzo The team was warmly welcomed this morning by elementary school children and we had the privilege of being led by their exuberant worship. The hugs we received filled us with joy and love, and gave us energy for the work day ahead. Off to another school...

2018 RCS Missions Trip – Best Canada Day Ever

Sunday, July 1, 6pm Hello from all of us. IMG_2737-2j0hoyj Veronica’s Thoughts: Before the trip Mrs. Flores prepared us by telling us that some of us had to speak about our testimony in front of a small congregation. I felt deep down in my heart in Canada that the...

2018 RCS Missions Trip – Church and Lunch

IMG_2690-1e0i4oz Traditional chicken soup in downtown Tactic! So yummy!  Wi-Fi access is spotty at best. Not able to post long messages. I am typing this directly from the restaurant. Everyone is well and we have been received warmly. Guatemala is a beautiful country...