Today’s Library Lego at Lunch design challenge:

Challenge 2


Here are the individual submissions:

Burger and Fries by Liam


Apple by Yemill



Here are our group submissions:

Sushi complete with roles, wasabi, chopsticks, green tea and ginger by Evanie, Grace, Faith and Esther

Food platter by Elisha and Priscilla

Food platter by Elisha and Priscilla


Bacon and Eggs by Felix and Myles


Happy Food (Salad & Dressing, drink, McDonald's fries and...a Candy Cane) by Olivia, Maia and Libby

Happy Food (Salad & Dressing, drink, McDonald’s fries and…a Candy Cane) by Olivia, Maia and Libby

American Junk Food with Burgers and Fries and a literal plate of junk by Gabriel, Darian and Aaron

American Junk Food with Burgers and Fries and a literal plate of junk by Gabriel, Darian and Aaron


A Half-Eaten Corn dog (complete with crumbs!) by Josh and Eli

A Cannibal Plate by Hagan and Matthew


All of the entries this time were especially creative and impressive… but we had to pick a winner.  If it wasn’t you-  you have lots more chances (and who knows? Maybe you will get invited to the Lego Mindstorms afternoon even so!)

Individual category winner:  Liam’s Burger and Fries

Group category: Sushi girls

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