The WeRead Community Challenge

We’re very excited to be launching the 2023 WeRead Community Challenge! This is an opportunity to read books in community and to challenge yourself and set  reading goals for the year. 

Pick up a challenge form from the Learning Commons to join in:

Read a book from one of the monthly themes and tell us about it HERE to receive a sticker and join for our end of month book party! We’ll have snacks, games and prize draws at the book parties. Collect all 8 stickers throughout the year to join in for our end of year event!



WeREad super challenge

Want to challenge yourself further? Check out the WeRead Super Challenge! With this challenge board you can customize and set your own reading goal for the year. Set a goal of a total number of books, or number of books you’d like to read each month and keep track of your completed books here: 


But wait…there’s more!

We’ve got bookmarks too! 


Come by the LC to pick one up or if you have any questions about the challenge.


October in the Learning Commons

It’s cozy season!

Need a good book to read? Come see us!


This month’s book themes are Mystery and Comfy, Cozy Fall Reads and Fall in love with a Beloved Classic. Check out the books on display in the Learning Commons and find a great read today!  


Read a book from one of these themes in October to collect a sticker and join for the WeRead book party for snacks, games and prizes at the end of the month!

For more info on the WeRead Challenge, click here!



Tis the season of pumpkin patches and corn mazes. Design your own unique and creative maze and code a mini sphero to complete it! Come to the LC any lunch from Oct 11th- 17th to work on it with your team. The team with the most impressive COMPLETED maze run will win the Fall Treat basket, complete with homemade caramel apples!

Submit a video of your sphero completing the maze here



Our second maker challenge is DIY Pet Costumes! Come any lunch between Oct 20th and 27th to design and create a pet costume. Don’t have a pet? No need to fret! Theo and Swift are both looking for new costumes and would love your help designing one for them!

We’ll have supplies set out for you to work at lunch, or you can work at home. We can’t wait to see what you come up with! 🙂

All Submissions due Oct 27th


chibird — Happy October everyone! Bouncing pumpkin chibird...