Renaissance Resources


Below, find links to good information about influential figures from the Renaissance period. Don’t forget to check out our selection of real books as well! They are on a cart in the library for you.

Encyclopedias and Databases: 

(username: richmondcs; password: eagles)

List of influential people from the Renaissance on Britannica (scroll through to find yours, or use search bar!)

Search Worldbook Online for your figure

Search Biography Reference Centre for your figure

Other online resources

Famous people of the Renaissance (search for your figure)

Below, find lists of some of the most important figures in Renaissance history. If you can’t find yours listed, use the sources above or other reliable sources from professional websites (not Prezis, blogs, wikis, etc.).

Renaissance Artists

8 Most Influential Renaissance Artists

10 Famous Artists

Sculptors, artists and architects: scroll down to find your sculptor, artist or architect

Renaissance religious figures

Martin Luther, Martin Luther2, Martin Luther3

John Calvin 1,      John Calvin 2

Ignatius Loyola

Renaissance Philosophers

List of Renaissance Philosophers: Click the name to find full biography

Renaissance Scientists and Inventors

Johannes Gutenburg,      Gutenburg 2

Galileo, Galileo 2

Other influential Renaissance figures

The Medici Family, Medici 2,   Medici 3