Today’s challenge-
Today’s winner:
Best invention: Theo
Invention Mrs. Osborne wants most: Yemill and J.O.
Honourable mention: Liam’s pencil
Today’s challenge-
Today’s winner:
Best invention: Theo
Invention Mrs. Osborne wants most: Yemill and J.O.
Honourable mention: Liam’s pencil
This is the last week for our “Pets Caught Reading” Photo contest. Starting Monday, we will post all of the Pets Caught Reading Submissions and viewers will vote for their favourite pet. Winners will be announced by the end of next week.
But, until then… here are the submissions that came in this week. Take a look at some of the funny book choices…
Today’s challenge was the toughest yet:
We had a few smarty-pants who did this:
One group created the circulation desk complete with the library book return monster and a monkey Mrs. Osborne checking out books…
Another group designed the entire library:
And one group created a futuristic hover-library (actually hovering) complete with a Mrs. Osborne librarian robot:
Most creative: the Hover-Library
Most true to the library: Loukas and Zach.
For something different, today, YOU get to vote on our Lego Challenge winners! See details at the end.
Today’s Lego @ Lunch challenge:
Viewer, beware. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…
For instance:
Here are some Remembrance Day themed responses:
Some nature-inspired pieces:
And some more interesting interpretations of beauty:
It’s so hard to choose the winners today, so I think I will ask you to vote! Please comment below before Monday with the Lego creation that you feel most creatively interprets the theme of ‘Beauty’.
Winner will be announced Tuesday!
Today’s Lego at Lunch challenge:
Here are the creations from the Individual category:
Here are our group submissions:
Everyone did such a great job- very impressive!
Individual category winner: Josh’s Cement Stirring Truck
Group category winners: the Animobile by Felix and Myles
If you participate in most Lego challenges, chances are, you will be invited to participate in our Lego Mindstorms day…just sayin’!
See you on Thursday for our next challenge!
A late entry and honourable mention…
The Jesus Truck…because Jesus is the toughest of all