Today’s challenge-

Horses and Dragons for people to ride on so they don’t have to walk! By Joshua

The Teacher’s Throne by Yemill and J.O.

iPad, desk, portable printer, book, stapler and calculator by Priscilla and Elisha

Pencil by Liam

The Bible by Evanie and Grace

Date Stamper by Theodore
Today’s winner:
Best invention: Theo
Invention Mrs. Osborne wants most: Yemill and J.O.
Honourable mention: Liam’s pencil
I like Sam because he’s reading rabbits for dummies.
I like Theo because the dog looks interested by the book and the dog is very cute.
i like Casey the most ^-^
I am going to vote for Myles’s photo, Milkshake,
Ms. Jenden is my favourite. Pets caught reading Theo the dog
ollie and leo by cousins of evanie
I vote for wendy. Sandra’s pet.
Wendy Chang by Sandra
Milkshake by MYLES!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!1!!
Go Sam!!!
(By human Josh.w)
I like Roxie because Mrs.Crowe told me to vote for her and it is a pretty good dog.
I like Roxie because Mrs.Crowe told me to vote for her and I think Roxie is a good dog (not just because of the picture).
I like casey the dog because I like the glasses.
(By Ashley)
I like Casey because she’s cute and I like the glasses.