Students had a box of random odds and ends from which to create an RCS staff member of their choice. Click through the gallery to see which staff members made it into the challenge, and scroll down to see our first and second place winner:
Second prize goes to Priscilla and Kayla in Grade 7 who created their teacher, Ms. Peters:

Ms. Peters likes to ski so we put a mountain behind her and put skis on. By Priscilla & Kayla, Grade 7.
First prize goes to the super creative depiction of our principal and vice-principal by Myles and Jaime, Grade 7:

Darth Finch vs. Burton Yoda by Myles & Jaime, Grade 7.
Prize winners, see Mrs. Osborne on Friday to pick up your prizes! These creations will be on display until Monday, at which time they will be delivered to their dopplegangers.