New year, fresh start!
Looking for more info on our January activities? You’ve come to the right place!
January Reads
This month’s book themes are 2022 in Review and Once upon a Winter! Check out the books on display in the Learning Commons or browse the collections in destiny discover:
Click on the signs to explore the books in this category and place one on hold!
January MAKer Challenges: Try Something NEW!
Try a new Recipe:
We’ve got some awesome new cookbooks just into the library. All you need to do for this challenge is check one out, try out a new recipe and share a photo with us on the Padlet. Submit a photo any time before Jan 30th!
Try a new Craft:
Come learn the ancient art of paper folding! We’ll have 3 tables, and a student leader at each to walk you through the steps to create a new design each day!
Try a new Challenge: Tinkersketch
TinkerSketch is a challenge to respond to a daily drawing prompt. The goal is to make time (even if it’s just a tiny bit) to celebrate your creative self and jump start creativity through sketching. It’s up to you how you interpret the prompt, the only requirement is to sketch something! We’ll have a table set up for the month of January, and you can come any day to respond to the prompt!
Participate in one of these activities, and share a photo on the padlet to enter the draw for an indigo gift card!
Think outside the box engineering challenge:

Receive a box of random supplies and build the “challenge object” only using the supplies in your box! There will be 3 challenges: build a boat, a structure that holds a book open and a vehicle with wheels! Sign up individually or with a team of up to 3 people!