Christmas has arrived at the RCS MCLibrary!
All the library helpers pulled out every green book we could find so that we could construct this book tree. Apparently, Indigo stole the idea from us- we are ahead of the game here at the mclibrary.
My Monday after school team of Grade 6 Library League helpers helped me to create this torn paper nativity scene for our library windows. We added names of Jesus from Isaiah 9: Immanuel, God with us; Wonderful Counselor; Mighty God; King of Kings; Prince of Peace; and added the words, “Let us adore him” over the nativity for a special reminder to keep our hearts focused on the meaning of the season.
Every year, the MC has a Christmas tree door contest- we created a tree from old book pages and will add some book ornaments to complete it soon!
The Secondary Campus library does this every Christmas, so we decided to borrow this excellent idea: students can come in, choose a gift-wrapped book, bring to the circulation counter to check out, and take it home, open the book gift and read it! It’s surprise Christmas reading.
Each week in December, we are offering DIY Christmas gift workshops. Last week, we made glitter deer-head wall art; this week- handmade Christmas cards; next week- book page candle jar and star garlands; and if we have time, we will make book page and felt Christmas trees.
This morning, there was an adorable elf sitting on the shelf with a note attached- looks like we have a new library Elf named Eugene- thank you to whomever helped Eugene find his way to us! He will be well-loved…
…but I have a funny feeling that even though he is so adorable, Eugene will get into all sorts of mischief in the library… we’ll have to see what he gets up to!